The Operational Strategy guides the work of the Stop TB Partnership Secretariat.

The Operational Strategy aligns with the Global Plan to End TB, 2023-2030.

The Stop TB Partnership Secretariat has a strong comparative advantage in global advocacy efforts as a neutral voice in TB advocacy, including resource mobilization, with the ability to amplify the voices of partners. The Secretariat facilitates and links partners with common areas of interest and creates a platform to foster consensus and coordinate advocacy approaches.

The Secretariat has three initiatives whose main work is devoted to ensuring that high burden country programs and partners receive support to properly fight TB:

In March 2022, the Board approved a Future Strategic Vision with five priorities:

The 2023-2028 Operational Strategy exists to provide a living, high-level roadmap for current and future work of the Secretariat, bringing the organization together around its comparative advantages and achieving greater sustainability.

The Operational Strategy aims to harness Secretariat’s strengths and expanded work to champion ending TB with financial and political action, to mobilize an equitable and inclusive people-centered movement, to build a stigma-free Community-led, Rights-based, Gender-transformative TB response, to catalyze, incubate and scale-up TB innovations, and to facilitate access to quality-assured, affordable TB products.

The 2023-2028 Operational Strategy has five goals:

  1. Champion ending TB with financing and political advocacy
  2. Mobilize an equitable and inclusive people-centered TB movement
  3. Build a stigma-free Community-led, Rights-based, Gender-transformative TB response
  4. Catalyze, incubate and support the scale-up of TB innovations
  5. Facilitate access to quality-assured, affordable TB products

Three core enablers are needed to facilitate the goals of the Operational Strategy




Stop TB Partnership Operational Strategy 2023-2028
Stop TB Partnership Operational Strategy 2016 - 2022