Tuesday, March 4, 2014 - 14:00 to 15:15
Jakarta, Indonesia (Sultan Hotel)
The Indonesian Stop TB Partnership is organizing the 2nd Forum of National Stop Tuberculosis (TB) Partnership in the South-East Asia, Western Pacific and East Mediterranean Regions, which will take place at The Sultan Hotel in Jakarta, Indonesia, 3 – 4 March 2014.
Theme of the meeting is
To share current situation, practices and challenges in engaging a wide range of stakeholders and partners in TB programmes
To discuss and develop concrete actions to endorse of the Regulation on TB Control in every country through the Top Leader decree
To discuss and agree on proper engagement of private sector (as health care deliverers and business partners) in TB programmes
Eleven countries of the fourteen countries invited to this meeting are high TB burden countries from three WHO regions, namely SEARO, EMRO and WPRO
(WHO reports 2013). Each country delegation will be represented by 3 participants consisting; National TB Programme, National TB Partnership and an active national level TB NGO/Anti TB Association.