Wednesday, November 27, 2013 - 14:00 to 15:15

Global Fund Partnership meeting

17:00 - 18:30 Geneva

Organized by the Community, Rights and Gender Department

Draft Agenda

·         Overall timeline of New Funding Model release dates

·         Update on CCM CS funding pilot

·         Regional proposals – share approach

·         Update on JCSAP

·         Update from Board on Eligibility

Dial in instructions

For those who can’t join us at the Fund please find details on how to connect to the teleconference below and attached.

·         Calling from Switzerland dial: 022/580 59 81 or toll free: 0800 00 21 45     

·         Participant code (to enter after dialling in): 82615141#

For further information and alternative dial in numbers please write to Caoimhe Smyth