The molecular Line Probe Assay (LPA) is recommended by WHO for the rapid detection of multi-drug resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) in TB patients.
In January 2012, Hain Lifescience, the manufacturer and provider of the Line Probe Assay (MTBRplus) has released the new, improved version of the assay (MTBDRplus v 2.0), also modifying its pricing structure. Several partners, major buyers and users of this diagnostic technology - partners of the EXPAND-TB project and MSF Access Campaign on behalf of MSF - met with Hain Lifescience GmbH to discuss the transition to the Hain price structure for the Genotype MTBDRplus v 2.0. As a result of the discussions, the manufacturer clarified the test cost structure including the Support and Service (S&S) package provided to customers. In addition, a follow up meeting with stakeholders using this diagnostic technology was planned to discuss the specific details of the S&S package, implementation plans, the way forward in terms of installation and maintenance, training, on-site support, test volumes and prices with a wider audience.
This meeting aims to bring together a group of stakeholders including WHO, MSF, implementers, country representatives, Stop TB Partnership, FIND and civil society among other actors working in partnership to scale-up MDR-TB care delivery.
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