Thursday, October 31, 2013 - 13:00 to 14:15
Paris, France

New Diagnostics Working Group 

 NDWG Annual Meeting 2013

 Moving to point-of-care diagnosis

 symposium and panel discussion

 31 October 2013, 9:00 – 12:30

Palais des Congrès, Paris, France

Chairpersons: Daniela Cirillo, HSR, NDWG Co-Chair, and John Ridderhof, CDC, NDWG Core Group

The NDWG Annual Meeting will review scientific and technological advances that could foster the development of rapid point-of-care tests for TB. Accurate and rapid diagnosis of TB at the point of care would enable timely initiation of appropriate treatment for millions of patients, prevent deaths and transmission, and ultimately make a critical contribution to more effective disease control.

Speakers will highlight the importance of global coordination for successful development of new TB diagnostics and discuss challenges for adoption and scale-up. Presenters will also give updates on progress made in biomarker discovery and whole genome sequencing, and introduce novel promising technologies. In the panel discussion that will follow, participants will exchange viewpoints about priorities and approaches to address existing barriers to delivering point-of-care tests for TB.

The agenda will be available soon. 

New Diagnostics Working Group

