Monday, September 29, 2014 - 14:00 to 15:15
Hotel Cepina, Cepina (SO)

September 29- October 11, 2014

The overall goal of the training course is to further develop the necessary skills to plan, implement and evaluate a TB control programme, based on the WHO-recommended Stop TB Strategy in the era of MDR-/XDR-TB and HIV.

The training course uses innovative approaches, being centred around Fictitia, a fictitious country in which all consultancy activities take place. The training is interactive and exercise- based, being a mixture of presentations, exercises, workshops, site visits and role plays based on data from Fictitia.

The course is organized by WHO Collaborating Centre for Tuberculosis and Lung Disease,Tradate,Italy and Global Tuberculosis Programme” (GTB), WHO Geneva, Switzerland.

For complete details, queries and application forms, please contact Lia D’Ambrosio at:

Website WHO Collaborating Centre: