Tuesday, March 4, 2014 - 14:00 to 15:15
European Parliament Brussels – Altiero Spinelli Building, Room: ASP 5E-2

Research is often 'divorced from implementation' and the current model for most international health service research is based on the assumption that the research community 'discovers solutions' and that these will be applied to practice. The reality is different as evidenced from the huge gap between what we know from research and what we do with this knowledge. Operational research has a key role in bridging this so called know-do, or implementation gap, particularly in low- and middle income countries. Operational research is vital to demonstrate 'how to' implement and roll out new knowledge into practice. Until now the thrust of EU investment in research has been inclined towards upstream product and innovative tools development. This is laudable, but there is now a need to ensure that these innovations can be effectively applied to various contexts in low and middle income countries.

Low and middle income countries need to be producers as well as consumers of research and research capacity needs to be built up in the public sector and NGOs. The workshop will address ways of optimising healthcare measures and discuss the 'what, why and how' of health services research in developing countries.

To view the agenda and full programme of speakers, see here.

The event will be web-casted. Please register here as soon as possible.