The Global Laboratory Initiative (GLI) is a network of international partners dedicated to accelerating and expanding access to quality assured laboratory services in response to the diagnostic challenges of tuberculosis (TB), notably HIV-associated and drug-resistant TB. The GLI provides a focus for TB within the framework of a multi-faceted yet integrated approach to laboratory capacity strengthening. Scaling up laboratory services to meet the diagnostic challenges of drug-resistant and HIVassociated TB require a paradigm shift in laboratory policy development, setting laboratory norms and standards, guiding and coordinating technical assistance, and accelerating knowledge transfer.
The overall goal of the Partners meeting this year is to bring together leading global agencies, international technical and funding partners, representatives from research organizations, non-governmental agencies, country TB control programmes, patient communities and other key stakeholders working in partnership. The meeting will highlight achievements and experiences of GLI partners and countries integrating new TB diagnostics to complement existing tools in the creation of more effective networks providing optimal patient services.
The meeting will include representatives from international institutions and initiatives, academic institutions and associations,high-burden TB country health programmes, non-governmental organizations, research institutes from developed anddeveloping countries, industry representatives and funding agencies.
Read the agenda