Wednesday, June 25, 2014 - 14:00 to 15:15
New Delhi, India

Joint WHO/Global Fund Workshop on Scaling Up Public-Private Mix for TB Care and Control. The meeting will be held in the WHO South East Asia Regional Office in New Delhi, India from 25-27 June 2014.


The WHO based secretariat of the PPM Subgroup will co-organize this meeting with the High-impact Asia department of the Global Fund to address the following key objectives:


o    Review and enhance specifics of private sector engagement in the national strategic plans and concept notes of high-impact Asia countries for the Global Fund’s new funding model


o    Examine the intermediary organization function in diverse PPM models and identify ways to sustain, replicate and scale up these models  in diverse country settings


o    Prepare country-specific plans for strengthening regulatory approaches to help scale up private sector engagement