Dear Partners,
With this message we want to share as many details as we can related to participation to the UN on High-Level Meeting (HLM) on TB on 22 September 2023.
Please kindly be aware that unless you are part of the government registered delegation, OR registered by an accredited organization (see below), you will not be able to attend the HLM.
For government representatives – from Ministries teams and National TB programme teams, attendance details are available in this invitation letter from the President of the General Assembly sent to all UN Permanent Representatives in New York. Attendance and registration should be coordinated through each member states Permanent Mission to the United Nations in New York.
For Non-State Actors
Registration is now open for non-state actors and civil society who have received an approved accreditation to the UN High-Level Meeting on TB. The registration page and all relevant details can be accessed here. Please note that registration closes on 11th August at noon Eastern Time.
The UN Non-Governmental Liaison Service (NGLS) shared the additional following details:
1. In order to participate in the High-Level Meeting, the individual representative from each specially accredited organization must register through this portal. Please check here if your organization has received special accreditation to attend this event. This form is only for specially accredited organizations. Only registrations from individuals representing specially accredited organizations may use this form. ECOSOC-accredited organizations will not be processed here. Requests for additional information or questions can be sent to
2. Each Organization will be able to register ONE representative. If more than one representative is registered under an organization, the Secretariat will approve registrations on a first-come, first-served basis.
3. Registration does not guarantee in-person participation. If your registration is approved, you will receive an approval letter confirming your in-person participation.
4. Registration approval does not guarantee access to all segments of the High-level meeting. The approval may be limited to the plenary or/and multi-stakeholder panels.
5.. Approved registrants will be notified of their ability to participate in a segment after 15 August 2023.
We in the Stop TB Partnership are disappointed that organizations can only nominate one person to attend the HLM on TB, noting that for the 2018 HLM on TB, two representatives per organization could attend.
We are also very concerned that registrants will not receive notification of their registration status until 15th August and think this will not allow adequate time for most partners to secure a Visa to attend the HLM on 22nd September. This will significantly limit the meaningful participation and engagement – especially for representatives of civil society, communities, people affected by TB, academia, private sector and researchers.
Next Steps to Attend the UN High-Level Meeting on TB in September 2023
Registration Now Open for Accredited Non-State Actors Until 11th August